Thank you for taking the time to visit our school website, we hope you find it helpful and informative. The site is an essential hub for supporting learning and teaching at Tiree Primary School and Tiree High School, the sharing and publishing of school information and news, displaying our daily newsfeed, promoting upcoming school events as well as sharing the school calendar entries.  The site aims to provide an insight into Tiree Primary School and Tiree High School life.

Tiree Primary School and Tiree High School is unique in providing education for the community of Tiree from Nursery/Sgoil Àraich to 18 years of age and beyond. The school is well equipped with the latest range of modern technology.

Pupils are encouraged to use computers in the learning process from an early age and to interact with young people through the use of Google Meet, Google Classroom, Skype and e-mail. The school is fully equipped with Promethean Active Panels in every classroom and appropriate software for Primary and Secondary teaching. All pupils have ready access to computers, laptops and iPads.

The ability to follow the progress of a child from the age of three until they leave the school environment is very rewarding and the small school community enables close friendships and excellent working relationships to develop between pupils and teachers.

The school has a strong musical tradition with a high proportion of pupils opting for instrumental instruction. Pupils identify strongly with the traditional music and culture of the island and bagpipes and accordion are popular instrumental choice.

Head Teacher – Mr Peter Bain

Tiree High School
Isle of Tiree
PA77 6XA

Telephone: 01879 220 383 or 220 795



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