Attendance Procedures Nursery/Primary/Secondary

The school is required by law to maintain an accurate record of the attendance and absence of each pupil and parents/carers are requested to assist in this process by keeping the school informed if their child is to be absent for any reason.

It is important to note that if a child does not arrive at school/Nursery and there is no reasonable explanation provided for his/her absence, then members of staff will be required to ascertain the whereabouts and safety of the individual child. In order to avoid causing unnecessary concern for staff and parents/carers, the importance of good communication between home and school cannot be over-emphasised. 

Parents/carers are asked to assist school staff in the manner detailed below: 

Unplanned Absence

When an unplanned absence occurs, parents/carers are expected to contact the school office before 09:05 (08:50 for Nursery children), on the first and each subsequent day of absence giving an explanation for their child not attending school.

The school office can be contacted in the following ways: 

By Telephone: 01879 220383 or 01879 220795 (office manned 08:30-12:30 and 13:00-15:30, Monday – Friday) 
By Email:


Where a sickness absence lasts longer than 5 school days, pupils are required to provide a medical certificate.


Please Note: Please do not email an individual member of staff to inform of an absence or lateness. 


Planned Absence

If you know in advance that your child is likely to be absent, please inform the school as soon as possible via telephone, email, letter to enquires.  (E.g. Dentist/hospital appointment) 

Late to School

Secondary Pupils: If a young person is late into school, they must sign in at the school office before going to class. 
Primary Pupils: If a primary pupil is late into school their parent/carer must inform the school office of their arrival by telephone