At the beginning of August 2017 the Nursery/Sgoil Àraich moved into a purpose built area within Tiree Primary School. The Nursery/Sgoil Àraich has excellent resources, providing a safe, secure and rich environment for our children to learn in.

As part of the Early Learning Childcare Pilot the Nursery/Sgoil Àraich is offering the following session choices for our children.

Children aged 2-5 years attend the Nursery/Sgoil Àraich. There are currently three experienced Key Workers in the unit: Mairi Munn, Johann MacLean and Lisa Gladwell and Calen MacNeil is our Nursery Classroom Assistant.


Session Details 2024/2025

Morning Session: 08:30 to 11:40 (Solely Gaelic)

Afternoon Session: 11:50 to 15:00 (English with promotion of Gaelic)

All day Sessions: 08:30 to 14:30 (Solely Gaelic until 11:40, 11:50 to 13:30 Bi-lingual, 13:30 onwards English with the promotion of Gaelic)

Our Latest Care Inspectorate Report can be read using the following link: Report October 2023

We regularly ask the children what they want from their Nursery. Here are their responses:

  • A happy and safe place
  • Bright, colourful and cheerful
  • Places to draw, paint, build, play houses, dress up, listen to stories and use the big screen
  • Time to play, have fun and learn about new things
  • A chance to go outside to play and explore and get messy
  • A chance talk, sing and dance with my friends
  • To choose what we want to do and learn about
  • To be able to go to different places on the island to see what they are like
  • To learn new words and Gaelic
  • A cosy place to relax
  • Happy staff
  • Tasty snacks


Mairi Munn         Childcare and Education Worker
Johann Bruce     Childcare and Education Worker
Lisa Gladwell     Childcare and Education Worker
Calen MacNeil       Nursery Classroom Assistant

Lorna MacRae    Nursery Manager,  Acting Senior Depute Head Teacher
Peter Bain           Head Teacher