Tiree High School and Tiree Primary Schools have an active Parent Council which is elected from the wider Parent Forum (parents, carers or guardians who have children at the school). We meet at least once a term, and we encourage parents and staff to come along and get involved.

To access further information and minutes to meeting please visit the Parent Council dedicated website. https://teachintiree.co.uk

We are keen fundraisers for the school and contribute to school events such as the School Sports and Gala days. We also raise the profile of the school at community events throughout the year.


The Committee are:

William MacLean, Angus John MacKechnie, Eilidh Campbell, Ewan MacGregor, Heather MacArthur, Inge Armstrong, Jaclyn Langley, Janice Maguire, Joseph Bennett, Julie Beaman, Lorna MacRae, Mairi Forbes, Mark Vale, Phyl Meyer


To make representations to the school, via the Parent Council, Please call or email William Maclean at:

Chair: William Maclean contactable on 07712159205 or wamaclean@me.com

Details of all members and office bearers can be viewed on the Parent Council Website. 

All Minutes are published on the Parent Council Website by the Chair.