The aims of the Music Department are:

  •  For all children to be involved in the creation and performance of music
  •  For learners to develop an enthusiasm for music to suit their individual interests
  •  For learners to develop their skills and views and reach their full potential.

Our objective is to provide a programme of instrumental performing, composing and listening.
Learners will be taught musical theory alongside musical instruction.
Learners are encouraged to join the Music Club and perform in public performances held by the school.

Music is taught by Miss Kilpatrick

Pupils can also receive instrumentation from Miss K England (Music Club Fiddle), Dr J Holliday (Music Club Flute)

  • In the music department we have a range of instrumental resources such as keyboards, guitars, bass guitars, drum kit and a variety of percussion. Learners also have access to a Promethean Board and music software programmes such as Sibelius and Garage band.
  • In S1- S3 Learners follow the Curriculum for Excellence Broad General Education course. In this course learners fulfil music experiences and outcomes relating to musical performing, composing and listening.
  • In S4 Learners who opt to study music will follow either CFE National 4 or National 5. In these courses learners build on prior learning from the BGE course and develop their skills in Performing, Composing and Understanding music.
  • In S5/6 Learners may study a variety of courses from National 4 to Higher Music.