All students at Tiree High School study Biology, Physics and Chemistry as part of the Curriculum for Excellence course until the end of S3. Science teaching primarily takes place in Room 6, which seats up to 12 students. It is equipped with a Promethean interactive whiteboard and the necessary equipment to carry out a wide range of practical science activities. Pupils are given the opportunity to take part in exciting practical investigations which brings the subject to life for everyone. The CfE course gives pupils the opportunity to learn about many fascinating aspects of our scientific world and aims to give student the knowledge they need to make informed choices about the world around them and their own contribution to it. Pupils are encouraged to develop their own analytical skills and be able to apply knowledge and skills to understand our environment better and the issues that affect the world as a whole.
Physics is the method by which we model the universe, from the very large (galactic superclusters) to the very small (neutrinos) and most things in between. At Tiree High School
Chemistry is an important requirement for many occupations. It is a fascinating journey from the very large scale objects in the Universe where the elements were made down to the
Biology is currently delivered by Oban High School and supported by Tiree High School. The subject is accessed by the pupils via Video conferencing using Google Meet and Google Classroom.