Primary P1 – 7

We aim to create an inclusive, nurturing and stimulating learning environment for all. We do this in the following ways:

  • By implementing Curriculum for Excellence and the values it encompasses
  • By providing the opportunity for children to learn in Gaelic and English
  • By enabling each child to develop to their full potential, being sensitive to individual needs and abilities
  • By working together to create a positive and supportive environment.


Mrs Lorna MacRae             Depute Primary
Mrs Judith MacIntosh        P1-7 English Teacher
Mrs Julie MacKinnon         P1-7 English Teacher 
Miss Eilidh Campbell          P1-4 Gaelic Teacher   
Miss Tara Rankin                P5-7 Gaelic Teacher

Support Staff

Mrs Morven MacArthur
Mrs Janie MacPhail
Ms Frances Khetrat
Ms Michelle Patterson