Mathematics is the study of numbers and the ideas that come from numbers. All students at Tiree High School study maths until the end of S4, and many continue beyond that. We aim to ensure that all our students leave school equipped to deal with the mathematics they encounter in daily life, and that as many as possible gain skills that will help them in further study and employment. We also seek to foster a logical and rigorous approach to problem solving and decision making.

Until the end of S3 all students follow the Curriculum for Excellence experiences and outcomes. They study a mixture of arithmetic, geometry, algebra and statistics. During S4 students study either Mathematics at National 4 or National 5, or Lifeskills Mathematics at National 3, National 4 or National 5. Students who stay on to S5 and S6 who achieve the required grades may progress to Higher and Advanced Higher. We have had a number of successful candidates in recent years who have gone on to study Mathematics at University, either on its own or with another subject.

The Mathematics qualifications emphasise algebraic and geometric skills, including at National 5 the cosine rule, completing the square and the use of vectors. The Lifeskills Mathematics suite of qualifications emphasises personal finance, the use of formulae and an introduction to decision mathematics. At Higher and Advanced Higher students are introduced to calculus, complex numbers and matrix algebra. All courses consist of 3 units and a course assessment, usually a written examination.

Mathematics teaching primarily takes place in Room 1, which seats up to 18. It is equipped with a Promethean interactive whiteboard and a visualiser, along with some specialist equipment for Mathematics. Our Mathematics Teacher is Mr Chris Russell

National 4 Mathematics 2018 – 2019

Course Outline National 4 Mathematics contains four Units of work – Numeracy, Expressions and Formulae, Relationships and Added Value. To achieve the National 4 Mathematics Award, learners must pass all of the

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