Personal, Social and Health Education
Learning in health and wellbeing ensures that young people develop the knowledge, understanding and skills which they need now and in the future.
Pupils will learn with each other and from each other, we all learn and develop at school and in our wider lives outside school, this is what we call personal development.
We cover the following topics:
Healthy Routines
Substance misuse
Barclay Lifeskills
Assessing risk
Meeting and working with others
Managing personal money
Personal identity and self esteem
SHARE – sexual health and relationship education
Emotional health and well being
FIT – homophobic bullying
Barclay Lifeskills
See Me – Mental health
RBS Moneysense: Managing your money
Careers – planning
SHARE – Sexual health and relationship education
Support and information
Substance misuse
Mock interviews
Work experience
I’m offski – Independent living
Barclay Lifeskills
RBS Moneysense – Debt and credit
Sexual health and relationships
Substance misuse
Mental health
Work experience