Tiree Primary School Uniform (TPS)
- Green logo sweatshirt/cardigan
- White polo shirt
- Plain black trousers
- Plain thick black leggings
- Plain black skirt
- Plain black school uniform shorts (Please note: Not sports shorts)
- Plain black shoes/plain black trainers
- Green and white gingham summer dress (Optional)
Tiree Secondary School Uniform (THS)
- Blazer with school embroidered badge
- School tie
- Plain black trousers
- Plain black skirt with black tights
- Plain thick black leggings
- Plain black school uniform shorts (Please note: Not sports shorts)
- White shirt (Not polo shirt)
- Black shoes/Black trainers (Please Note: Plain black only)
Please Note: Pupils may choose to wear a black ‘knitted style’ V neck jumper under their blazers. This cannot be a sweatshirt.
Tiree Primary School and Tiree High School PE uniform
All pupils in Tiree Primary School and Tiree High School must bring a PE Kit to school please see below for details:
- White T shirt or any suitable T shirt as long as it not football colours.
- Black sports shorts or any colour but not football colours.
- Pair of trainers, any colour.
Please Note: If a pupil is choosing to wear black trainers as their school shoes they must bring a change of footwear for their PE lessons.
Please remember all items other than the logo sweatshirt, school blazer and school tie can be purchased from any shop of your choosing.
Please note;
Parent/carers experiencing financial concerns can access support by contacting their child’s Principal Teacher or our Family Liaison Officer.
All embroidered School uniform items can be purchased from Border-embroideries.co.uk online, and delivered free to school.